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Your application deserves a great search

Powerful search solution for apps – for developers by developers




Everything you need to know about AppSearch.


Low Code/ No Code Search for Apps

Do you need a search functionality for your application or database?

AppSearch is a plug and play service that eliminates the need for coding and manual processes.

With AppSearch, developers have no code/ low code search available for both new and existing applications.

Less risk, faster time to market and more user friendly solutions for both developers and application users.



Users Prefer Search over a Complex Menu 

Applications and webpages without a sufficient search are both inconvenient and time consuming to use.

Your customers deserve better.

Make your application even more popular and user friendly. A great search increases the value both for the users and for you as application owner.

Give your users great experiences and the ability to find what they need with AppSearch.

Save time using saas for your search in app

Application Search Features for Developers

Implement a search experience optimized for your application. Features includes:

  • Security on item level

  • File Transforming. Includes OCR

  • Advanced relevance

  • Customizable: Make the search fit your app, with optimized relevance and tailored user experience

Features also include synonyms, editorial content (like Google Ads), language processing through lemmatization, tuning of relevance, Unicode, and more.

No code app search from Ayfie

Read how Sonans got customized search on their website

Sonans bruker Ayfie for søk
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